Broccoli soup – easy and tasty
The kids love soup and what they don’t know is that it contains a lot of vegetables. Also in the broccoli soup. This supper is a real favorite here at home.
And is full of vegetables.I once took this recipe from a magazine. And still I enjoy making it
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Do you also have so many magazines full of recipes or cookbooks on your shelf? This broccoli soup recipe I once found in a magazine and is a perfect dish to make. Ideal because it contains onion as well as broccoli and the boys never realize it.
They often ask when we will eat it know.
Broccoli is of course a super vegetable. Soup is ideal for the weekend, so two birds with one stone.
Creamy broccoli soup with old cheese
How to make this broccoli soup? Very easy actually, you just need a hand blender to make the soup smooth.
Main course – 20 min – 4 persons
- 10 gr low-fat margarine
- 2 onions, chopped
- 800 gr broccoli
- 1.5 L vegetable broth
- 4 crumbly potatoes, peeled and diced
- 1 bottle of light cooking milk (250ml)
- 50 gr grated Old Amsterdam (cheese, bag of 100 gr)
- extra: hand blender
1 Heat the butter in a soup pan. Fry the onions for 4 minutes without browning them. Stir in the broccoli and cook gently for another 5 min.
2 Add the broth and potatoes and bring to a boil.
Cook the soup 10 min. 3 Remove the soup from the heat and puree with the hand blender. Add the cooking milk and heat the soup for another 2 min. Season with a little salt and pepper.
4 Divide the soup between 4 bowls and sprinkle with a little cheese.
Delicious with toasted wholemeal bread.